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Roots Vacuum Blower Application

Roots vacuum pumps are widely used in industrial processes. They are suitable in huge number of applications. 

Vacuum packaging

Exhaust dust emissions

Vacuum dehydration
Roots Vacuum Blower ApplicationRoots Vacuum Blower ApplicationRoots Vacuum Blower Application
Vacuum packaging using vacuum suctionRemove dust or toxic gas from tunnels and small construction sitesPulp dewatering, sludge dewatering, cloth dehydration and etc.
Industrial vacuum cleanerPowder and granules transportationDraw welding waste gas
Roots Vacuum Blower ApplicationRoots Vacuum Blower ApplicationRoots Vacuum Blower Application
Remove residual debris from the machinePowder or granules

 (such as plastic materials, etc.) can be transported by pressure or vacuum

Remove fumes and dust from welding to ensure operator health
Printing machine adsorption

Roots Vacuum Blower Application

Using the adsorption force fixed in printing operations

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