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Advantages of Roots steam compressor in MVR system

Jul. 29, 2024

Advantages of Roots steam compressor in MVR system

In MVR evaporators, Roots steam compressors have multiple significant advantages, which are mainly reflected in their working principles, performance characteristics, and application fields. The following is a specific analysis of the advantages of Roots steam compressors in MVR evaporators:

1、 Working principle advantages

1). Positive displacement compression: The Roots steam compressor adopts a positive displacement compression method, which compresses gas by the relative motion of two interlocked Roots rotors in the cylinder. This compression method enables Roots steam compressors to have high compression efficiency and effectively increase gas pressure.

2). No direct contact: During the compression process, the rotor does not directly contact the steam, avoiding mechanical wear and steam pollution, and ensuring the purity of the outlet steam. At the same time, this also reduces maintenance costs caused by mechanical wear and tear.

Advantages of Roots steam compressor in MVR system

2、 Performance Characteristics and Advantages

1). High compression ratio: Roots steam compressors have a high compression ratio, which can significantly increase the temperature and pressure of steam, making it better meet the heating needs of MVR evaporators.

2). High stability: The speed of Roots steam compressors is relatively low, usually between 980rpm and 1450rpm, which makes the equipment run more stably and reduces vibration and noise caused by high-speed rotation.

3). Corrosion resistance: Due to the high temperature and strong corrosiveness of water vapor, Roots steam compressors usually use special materials or take special anti-corrosion measures, such as using 304316 and 2205 stainless steel or nickel plated carbon steel, to extend the service life of the equipment.

4). Wide applicability: Roots steam compressors are suitable for various environments and usage scenarios, and can meet the needs of different users. In the MVR evaporator, it can be flexibly configured based on characteristics such as the flow rate and boiling point increase of the original solution.

Advantages of Roots steam compressor in MVR system

3、 Advantages in application fields

1). Significant energy-saving effect: MVR evaporator reduces the demand for external energy by reusing the energy generated by its own secondary steam. As one of the core components of the MVR evaporator, the Roots steam compressor significantly reduces the steam consumption of the evaporator by increasing the enthalpy of the secondary steam and circulating it as a heat source, achieving significant energy-saving effects.

2). Wide application: The application of Roots steam compressor in MVR evaporator enables this technology to be promoted and applied in multiple fields. For example, in industries such as salt production, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and chemical engineering, MVR evaporators have received widespread attention and recognition for their efficient energy-saving performance and wide range of applications.

In summary, the advantages of Roots steam compressors in MVR evaporators mainly lie in the rationality of their working principles, superior performance characteristics, and wide application fields. These advantages make the Roots steam compressor an indispensable and important component in MVR evaporators.

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