E-mail: zqdicheng@chinadicheng.com
1:Transport medium inlet steam temperature is usually not more than 40 ℃. 2:The content of particles in the medium shall not exceed 100mg/m3,The maximum size of the particle shall not exceed half of the minimum work clearance. 3:R...
Metal corrosion patterns can be divided into full (uniform) corrosion and localized corrosion two categories. The former is more uniform in the entire surface of the fan, the latter occurred only in the local. Such as pitting, crevice ...
1.Motor lack phase operation This is a killer of three-phase asynchronous motor, the motor when the normal operation of the three-phase load is balanced load, therefore Three phase current balance basically, equal, if in the operation o...
1. Adjustment of the clearance of the casing: it is guaranteed by the positioning pin hole of the casing and wall plate, because it must not damage the positioning pin hole when removing the fan. Impeller - casing 0.20-0.395 2, the adj...
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